Welcome to the MAD
The MAD is the Molecular Analysis Department of the University of Amsterdam. We operate as technology partner on genomics technologies and bioinformatics for academic and industrial research & development projects. With our team of expert molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, statisticians, and informaticians we offer tailor-made services & support in the field of gene-expression analyses and genome analyses:
- We own an Illumina NextSeq 550 next-generation sequencing technology (NGS) system
- We have access to high-throughput, high-output Illumina NGS platforms
- We have expertise on and access to the ultra-long read Oxford Nanopore MinIon platform
- We offer high-quality bioinformatics data analyses (only on a collaborative basis)
- We offer bioinformatics partnership in which we embed and support your (new) bioinformatician
- We developed several innovative NGS applications:
- Green Forensics an inexpensive tool to decisively address any plant breeding-right infringement
- Genome Lineup an affordable genotyping-by-sequencing tool to depict the genetic landscape of a parent-line collection
- ViSiR an innovative NGS method to readily detect known plant visuses and discover unknown plant viruses
- eDNA toolkit an approach to detect the presence of invasive species by eDNA in water
- We can help you with every aspect of your genomics R&D (we are open to orphan projects)
- We can provide you with ready-to-publish results
- We are a fully academic (not-for-profit) group and can therefore offer specialized applications and affordable pricing